Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 91

Well, today is Father's Day.

I don't mind Father's Day. It's OK or whatever. I hope to be a father someday after I become a husband. Father's Day is in the middle of my holidays. I really really hate Thanksgiving and I really really love Christmas. Fathers Day is in the middle. As well as are some other holidays.

I went to my grandfathers, my dad was there, and my brother. I don't like family gatherings sometimes, but I stick them out.

I also know that I didn't blog last night but my computer was frustratingly slow. I thought, "It's 12:30, sure my post would look like it was posted earlier today", but it was just running very slow. I thought that it wasn't a problem. Besides I didn't do much yesterday. I watched How to Deal and some episodes of Charmed, but nothing too interesting.

Currently listening: "Feed the Birds" -Julie Andrews (from Mary Poppins in an Oscar-winning role)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 89

I should change the title of the blog to "91 Days of Spring" since I know now how many days are in it. But I'll keep it.

Today, I spontaneously went into Borders and got the book "That Summer" by Sarah Dessen. One of the books based off How to Deal starring Mandy Moore.

I know I'm in the middle of two, but I don't feel entertained by "April & Oliver". And I'm liking "Something Borrowed". "That Summer" should be a good book. I really like the movie and the writing and I never read a Sarah Dessen book before. And it's kind of short so I'd get through it quickly. I think it's 198 pages. I can handle that.

I'd be reading the two books, but it's fine. I like "Something Borrowed" and I'll like "That Summer". I just didn't feel entertained by "April & Oliver". I'm taking the bookmark out of it soon.

Currently listening: The soundtrack to Wicked

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 88

Three more days until my last blog post. Then no more blogging.

Well, no trying to remember every night to make a post. I'll blog or whatever in other things, but this was too much trouble. I'd only remember at night and sometimes I would forget to make a post.

I admitted earlier today that I don't want to learn to fly a kite because I'm worried it will bring me with. I never saw Up, but that must have been thousands of balloons. I just don't want the winds to be strong enough for a kite to pick me up.

Kite flying seems fun only if the person stays on the ground. It's too risky.

Currently listening: the soundtrack to West Side Story

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 87

Today was rainy all day. But not stormy or anything. Just wet.

It was really sunny when I left the house. I love rain. There are three things I like about it that refer to the senses and one thing I don't that refers to another sense which is really another.

Sight: I love the sight of rain. The patterns in the puddles and the rain raining on metal things are really cool. Even after the rain. I took a picture of a wet deck candle after rain and it adds a lot of effect and accents the objects in the picture. Someday I want to take a picture of the waves in the curbs of the edges of streets where the water leads itself to the sewer, but I don't want to stand in the rain with a camera.

Smell: The smell of rain, whether before, during, or after really is the smell of spring. With the smell of rain, you know that flowers will be blooming and trees will be turning green.

Sound: The sound of rain, not the sound of thunder, but the sound of rain tapping on the skylights are nice. I don;t know why, but I love hearing the rain.

There's one thing that I hate about the rain that refers to another of the senses, but really is another one.

Taste: I do not want to try to taste the rain because I hate being in it without an umbrella. I love the sight, sound, and smell, but not that taste. And the taste of rain is really the feel. If I get caught in the rain without an umbrella, I hate that. Sure I'm looking at it, smelling it, and hearing it, but it's wetting my hair and even my clothes. I take showers all the time, but that's different. It's like taking a shower when you don't want one at the time and you're in clothes, too. Obviously I am not one to dance in the rain or sing in it while twirling on a light post.

Currently listening: the soundtrack to the movie version of Chicago

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 86

My birthday was a major suckfest. Like I hoped it would be.

I've never really been into my birthday. Sure I get gifts and I graciously accept them. But I don't like parties. Only when they're centered around me. I can got a party to support someone else and that's not a problem. If a party is or ends up being centered around me, that just pisses me off.

I got an unwanted surprise cake, lit with candles, and a feeling of regret for not telling them no candles. I can't be demanding, but I have no problem being stubborn and snippy. I really should have told them except think it was going to be no problem. And it just teaches me to not go to the art gallery for an opening in June. Even if I'm exhibiting in it.

Today was not too bad though. I tried a cherry flavored icee from Burger King, but I did not like it. I wanted to throw it a la Glee, but I can't waste a half of cup of smoothie. And I was on the bus.

I actually want to do that someday. I want to take a picture of me throwing a smoothie spoofing Glee, but I can't be wasteful. I will eventually take a photo of my hand in the L-shape and put it in front of a photoshopped background with helvetica fonts of the letters "G-E-E".

Watching The Voice tonight, some of the talents I was rooting for got eliminated and I thought they could have gone far. But it'll be fine. There's other ones I like, too.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 85

I know that I forgot to blog last night. But I was miserably sick.

I threw up a few times per one throwing up session, which happened twice. Kind of three times. I had no appetite, I was tired and falling asleep all day, and I watched a movie, I kept bobbing my head out of tiredness and seeing it through fluttering eyelids.

But I was fine today. I woke up at 4:30 this morning, but that was because I really couldn't sleep. I wasn't too bad until noon and then I was feeling normal again. My temperature was OK, not too high, not too low, and I even had appetites.

Yesterday, my first temperature was around 95 and later that day it was 103. But I was OK, I've been fine for most of today, and I feel up for doing things again.

By the way, my birthday was on June 10th. Last Friday. Big mistake. I'll explain in tomorrow's post.

Currently listening: "I'm Kissing You" -Des-ree

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 83

Today was OK.

It was kind of a slow afternoon, but I went to see my grandfather to visit him. Then I went to Benihana for dinner with family members.

It's a really cool place. The chef's cook right at your table and do tricks with the food. It's like dinner theater. It's not a place that anyone can go to for whatever. There are three levels of restaurants.

1. Work Lunch Breaks 2. Just dinner 3. Fancy and Classy.

Work lunch break restaurants are very quick and casual. Where you order then you get your food right there and eat it. You don't have to wait much. Examples: Potbelly, Subway, Jimmy John's

Just dinner restaurants are after work. You go and order the food. Wait for fifteen minutes or so, and then take your time to eat. Examples: TGI Fridays, Applebees, Boston Market

Fancy and Classy are only special occasion restaurants. They're ever so expensive and sometimes they're only based in one city. Examples: (In Chicago) Charlie Trotters, The Signature Room, Benihana

Benihana fits into the third level. And it's national, but the other two I know are only in Chicago.

By the way, I'm going to reveal my birthday next week. It's not after Monday so either it could be on Sunday, have been today, or passed earlier this week.

Currently listening: sample a Aimee Mann CD on iTunes