Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 11

So today was interesting.

I was OK when it came to my mood and not as, you know, moody as I was yesterday, but I did get frustrated.

I nonchalantly went into Sears for some new ear buds for my iPod. That was the second time I was there, the first time being to get rechargeable batteries. It's not like I have anything against Sears, rather than I don't mind them at all.

I was offered to sign up for the rewards program to get points and save money or whatever, but the snippy desk clerk somehow got me to sign up and I didn't have the courage to be snippy and demand that all I want to do is get the ear buds without signing up for the rewards program. So therefore I was stuck. I thought I can wait for an e-mail and then "Unsubscribe" from it, but I remembered that I didn't give my e-mail. And I couldn't work through the website, though I'm about to try again after this.

I don't have anything against Sears. I just don't mind them. And it shouldn't be fair that a customer shouldn't have a choice to be on a rewards program. If they don't want to, then that's up to them.

I have my new ear buds, but now I'm stuck as a rewards member until I figure out how to get out of it.

The rest of the day was just busy with the art gallery.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 10

Moody day.

Today I was all right. But for reason, since 6:00 this evening, I was very moody. I didn't feel like smiling or laughing, lost an appetite for a grilled cheese sandwich, kept talking in a defensive mood, and I couldn't even enjoy TV or anything. Even when I knew it was funny.

This happens to me sometimes. When I feel so moody, I can't laugh at what I know is funny, or enjoy something I really love. I feel like the people in those commercials for when they're depressed and have suicidal thought. Except for the suicidal thoughts. I lose interest in things that I like, I can't even smile if I try to, then I know it's fake, and I don't socialize, and if I do, the tone of my voice gets very defensive when I don't even mean to be mad.

Here's the bright side. While I had an OK day until the evening started, my hair was getting back to normal. It is flippy still, but at least in moves. Before I know it, I'll get my regular, straight hair back with the cowlick on the side of my forehead.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 9

Very strange day.

I ate a few things that I won't ever eat again, I did something with my hair that I'll never do again, and did a little shopping, too.

Eating: It started out with a cheeseburger from AM/PM that didn't really taste well and something I'm not going to eat again. And then later in a Potbelly, I ordered a Roast Beef sandwich and had some Italian seasonings on it, but they were dry and tasteless. Like dried oregano and other herbs.

Hair: In this order, I added in Gel, Hairspray, Blow dry, then combed. All with dry hair to begin with. To fix the first mistake, I decided to add hairspray, but then I added so much, my hair wouldn't even move. I tried and tilted my head and it was stuck. Then when I went out, I picked out some hairspray on one side of my head and when I looked in a store window, the wind was blowing, and one side of my hair was moving. So I did the other side. I got to a point where my hair was back to normal, but it feels very pasty and light. Light in weight. Now I know not to do that again.

But I also got a few puzzle books, a birthday gift and card, and American Beauty on DVD. I saw that movie just once and fell in love with it.

Busy, strange, and weird day. And that includes my hair, eating habits, and a meeting.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 8

This is the housework post. I didn't do any today, but I'm still good at it.

I sweep, and clean, and wash, and brush, but not too perfectly. I didn't know that in some cases, you actually have to get on your hands and knees. That just looks painful. I'm all for a clean house, but I don't like to do the cleaning. I'd rather just do the living.

I'm the type to freak out from a bug and then trap it under a coffee mug. Nothing wrong with that. If they're on a wall or something, I'll just crush them and clean the bug guts off the wall.

It's not like I sweep the floor and then sweep it under a rug. I just throw it away.

Don't get me started on yardwork. No way would I do that. Kneeling down in the dirt and getting all gross and filthy? Really? It's like planting, but instead of putting in flowers, you're pulling out weeds. And shoveling just aches my back. Whenever I shovel, I'm stuck in a hunched position and when I try to straighten up, it hurts, so I try to get back into the one I was just used to and that hurts.

Raking is just the same kind of discomfort. Not physically, but when I raked a whole patio, a huge patio, I rake into little piles. But then the piles begin to separate from the wind. And after putting them back together, they just blow away again. I usually get fed up when I've done each pile three times.

I don't mind cleaning if I'm standing up, but I can't kneel down too much or be able to reach high places.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 7

I saw Morning Glory tonight. I wanted to see it theaters, but never go around to it. It was kind of funny, kind of sad, you know, those kinds of movies. American Beauty is vary dark and dramatic, but it has it's funny moments.

I'm also thinking of writing an adaptation to Romeo & Juliette. So far I wrote a modernized Cinderella and an adaptation to Clement C. Moore's The Night Before Christmas. Now I'm ready to adapt Shakespeare. But I would make it modernized. None of the fancy language that he used in his days, like the words sound out of order in one sentence. A modern day version. I've had one pitched for a while, but never started writing it.

I'll tell you more about it in another post.

Currently listening: "Sweet Serendipity" -Lee DeWyze

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 6

I saw Dirty Dancing today. While it's my first Patrick Swayze film, I wish I had seen more of his movies before he died.

I'm not gay, but Swayze was quite handsome in Dirty Dancing. And Jennifer Grey was obviously unrecognizable from her Friends guest appearance.

It was really good and I loved the ending when everyone starts dancing and having fun. It was worth a good watch.

Currently listening: "The World Should Revolve Around Me" -some group named Little Jackie

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 5

Today I actually cleaned the house.

I'm all for cleaning the house, but what I'm surprised by is that sometimes I have to kneel down onto the floor and clean on my hands and knees. I thought it's just as simple as standing up.

And I couldn't even get the paper towel streaks from some mirrors. I went over them three times and they still have streaks on them.

It all got better when I made some Macaroni and Cheese for dinner. You know, the real kind. From the box.

And some Fried Chicken from earlier in the day. I love fried chicken.

I'm just glad that I don't have to clean tomorrow. On another post, I'll talk more about housework.

First I dedicated a daily post about Fashion, then I'm going to do one about housework.

Ooh, I just got an idea. If I mention something in a post, but I only brief it up, I'll dedicated a whole other post sometime in the future for it. And I'll announce it. Like this: "Next topic: (name of topic)". I'll put that at the bottom where I put my "Currently watching/listening" stuff.

Currently watching: Some Youtube videos.
Next topic: Housework

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 4

What should I make this post about?

I watched NBC Thursday tonight. And then some reruns of The King of Queens.

Oh, tonight for dinner, I thought I was making Chili. I don't know what I did wrong, but I thought I was making some Chili con Carne. I ended up making regular pasta sauce. I didn't add Chili powder or Cumin, but I did add ground beef, tomato puree, onions, and some other seasonings like pepper and oregano.

I don't really like cooking. I own a few cookbooks, but I just cook for whatever. I can't stand baking because the messes are messier and sometimes I don't enjoy whatever I bake because I don't like the processes of it. I don't mind cooking, but I hate baking.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 3

Today's blog is all about fashion. And one of the great things about Spring - new trends.

As a straight male, I still pay attention to see what's being worn around the streets and whether it works for them or not. I saw some pictures of Saturday Night Live Jason Sudeikis in GQ once and he was sporting plaid all over. Naturally, I took it as thanks to me. I brought plaid back. While Justin Timberlake brought sexy back, I brought the plaid back.

I took a quiz recently about what my fashion style is. Out of just casual, kind of sporty, rock-style, or boho, I got boho because apparently I like mixing and matching with neutral colors. I wear neutral colors, but I also add other colors. And I try to look more casual most of the time.

However, I always wear shirts with collars because I fear that a shirt without a collar on it will make my neck look long. So everything is OK if I have collars.

The things I hate about fashion, some summerwear. Polo shirts and shorts? Good match. Shorts paired with sandals? Really?! Sandals are better won with pants and shorts are better worn with socks and shoes. Socks and sandals? Eh. I wear sandals in summer as long as I have some pants on. I never wear shorts. My legs are not that great looking.

And jackets. I am all for jackets. These days I've been wearing a varsity-style jacket, felt chests but leather sleeves. It's not a varsity jacket, it's a varsity-style jacket because it's not meant for a school. And when April comes, that's denim jacket weather. And in May, that's when "no jacket" weather starts for me. Though, I still wearing a denim jacket in summer nights, though.

The varsity-style jacket comes back in September or October, depending on when it actually gets cold again.

So, collars, summerwear, jackets, now accessories.

The only accessory I sport every single day are my black, plastic Tommy Hillfiger glasses. I would throw in a unisex necklace every now and then during Spring through Summer. And maybe a ring. And hats. I usually do baseball caps. It took me forever to find a good newsboy cap because I never really tried to pull one off. I finally got a nice one during the days when I wore my winter corduroy jacket, but haven't worn it for a while because it goes better with my denim jacket. I am into baseball caps, but not for a specific team. Only baseball-style caps.

I think I pretty much covered everything about fashion for this post. More things will come up later when it comes to Fashion.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 2

Today I bought some sunglasses.

I wear glasses myself (black and plastic). I wear a pair that I had for a few years that I got talked to into getting transitions when I wanted prescription sunglasses. While my glasses fade in the sunlight, even cloudy weather, they don't seem to change through my own eyes, but they are dark for people when they look at me instead.

I knew I wanted to buy sunglasses but couldn't figure out how. Easier to see, but more expensive? Or harder to see, but cheap. The pros are easier to see for one pair and cheaper for another. Cons include more expensive for the easier to see ones and harder to see for the cheaper ones.

I ended up getting ones that were cheaper. While they look good on me, I thought I can wear them while walking very slowly or waiting for a bus. Right when I take my regular glasses off, I can't see a thing except blobs of colors. After a few minutes, an image of the scene appears more clearly, but not perfectly. I know I can get used to sunglasses while standing waiting for a bus, or walking my dog through our subdivision that I walked through so many times I can walk with my eyes closed.

While it was so cloudy and rainy, I still got them, but didn't start using them yet. I know that I will eventually.

And I meant to make this post mostly about fashion. I'll do that tomorrow instead.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 1

I'm back.

This makes my fourth blog. The first one was dedicated to author and blogger Julie Powell, but I somehow gave up on that one.

The next is a very short one with examples of my photography, but that one was given up, too.

And then between September and December, I was trying to blog once everyday throughout the fall. I've blogged through Halloween, Thanksgiving, but stopped a week before Christmas. It wasn't that easy because I kept forgetting some days. This time I'm going to try harder and maybe blog in the daytime. I did it every night and then if it was after 12 AM, I decided to wait the next night.

Throughout this blog, I'll explain various stuff about me. Some holidays to blog through will be Easter, Mother's Day, and even Father's Day. Father's day this year in on June 19th, and my last post for Spring will be on June 20th. I'll even have to blog on my birthday this season.

Other stuff will include my traits and characteristics and what I like or don't like to do. Or maybe if I see a movie that day or do something fun, I'll also post that. Basically, I'm going to be blogging about the stuff I do that day or maybe talk about things under certain topics.

I started this in the middle of "Roughly 90 Days of Fall", but I continued to end my posts with whatever I was currently listening to or watching or something. I'm also thinking about listing the famous birthdays those days, but not exactly sure.

Anyways, I guess I'll leave this post as it is and continue tomorrow.

Blogging every day - it won't be easy. I'll forget days and then I'll just have to wait until the next night. I even forgot about this.

Currently watching: Some of the 1st season of Friends on DVD