Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 16

Late dinners and bad art.

It was fine until tonight. I got home from the gallery and decided to roast a chicken. A whole chicken. It took sooooo long for some reason. I got it in the oven around 7:00 and it wasn't ready until 9:30. Some nights I go without dinner or sometimes I'll eat a snack or cereal around dinnertime therefore considering it dinner. I know next time to slow cook it or start earlier in the evening.

As I was cooking, I was also painting and I'm not fully proud of a "Romeo & Juliette" painting I did, but I'm still going to go with it. And I did another colored pencil and pastel piece that I came to not like. I did a ghost painting, the "Romeo & Juliette" one, and what really isn't a painting, but an abstract piece of any color that I was testing. It very gradually became a work of art and I know I meant to exhibit it someday, so I guess I chose now. There's a show at the art gallery for anyone who took a class there within the past year. And I took watercolor last fall.

My chicken turned out fine and I'm fine with my "Romeo & Juliette" painting.

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