Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 20

Today I spent most of the afternoon editing and uploading a video. I'm not new to Youtube, but a few months ago I uploaded my first video. I had an account for a few years for commenting and stuff. Today I uploaded my second one.

Then I went to dinner at my Godmother's. My godmother is a friend of my mom's and I went to her house for dinner. She served beef, a very good cake, but I only managed one slice, but I was getting a reaction.

I am very allergic to cats. The skin around my eyes turns red and dry and my nose is all stuffed up. It feels weird to blink because my eyes are all dried out. I look so ugly, my face will crack a mirror. Sometimes on really windy days, my eyes dry out which make it feel weird to blink.

Although I'm fine now, but I was rubbing my eyes all night.

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