Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 28

Today was so boring. I don't like Sundays. For a few minutes, I slumped on the couch and just sat there. I did decide to do a little bit of reading and then later watched some Friends episodes.

Last summer, I was reading Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and was dedicated to finish before seeing the movie with the same name starring Julia Roberts. I got to one of the first Bali stories in the book before seeing the movie. So I didn't finish. Then I decided to be done with the book before 2011 started. I read more stories after that. I think I left at the 80th story out of 106. This was last fall.

Well, guess what. Here it is, spring 2011, and I started from where I left off. It's not that I'm a slow reader. I procrastinate. Eventually, by birthday will be in the spring. It's before June 20th. I really want to be finished before then. Sometimes when I walk to the bus, I decide to not get into my music on my iPod or anything, but I'm always into it. I've had bus rides where I didn't listen to my music, but I didn't read the book. And the weird thing is that I carry it with me wherever I go.

I'm going to take initiative to finish it before my birthday.

Currently listening: the West Side Story soundtrack

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