Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 52

Three books.

1. Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
I was determined to finish reading this before seeing the movie last August. It's set up in three cities, 36 stories each. The first in Italy, then in India, then Indonesia. I started the first two Indonesia stories before seeing the movie the weekend it came out. Then I was determined to finish it by the time 2010 ended. And I missed that chance. But now, I'm determined to finish by next birthday. Which unintentionally brings me to the forth clue. When I finish Eat Pray Love, my birthday will happen.

2. April & Oliver by Tess Callahan
I got this book because I had a coupon for Eat Pray Love when I got it at Borders. And I didn't want to start it until I was done with Eat Pray Love, but started the first chapter for no reason. My deadline for this one will be, let's say sometime in late June. After the first day of summer.

3. Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin
I wasn't in too much of a rush to finish this before the movie because I got it a week and a half before the release date. This one will be as soon as I can.

I'm not a slow reader, but more of a procrastinating reader.

Currently listening: the Wicked soundtrack

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