Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 91

Well, today is Father's Day.

I don't mind Father's Day. It's OK or whatever. I hope to be a father someday after I become a husband. Father's Day is in the middle of my holidays. I really really hate Thanksgiving and I really really love Christmas. Fathers Day is in the middle. As well as are some other holidays.

I went to my grandfathers, my dad was there, and my brother. I don't like family gatherings sometimes, but I stick them out.

I also know that I didn't blog last night but my computer was frustratingly slow. I thought, "It's 12:30, sure my post would look like it was posted earlier today", but it was just running very slow. I thought that it wasn't a problem. Besides I didn't do much yesterday. I watched How to Deal and some episodes of Charmed, but nothing too interesting.

Currently listening: "Feed the Birds" -Julie Andrews (from Mary Poppins in an Oscar-winning role)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 89

I should change the title of the blog to "91 Days of Spring" since I know now how many days are in it. But I'll keep it.

Today, I spontaneously went into Borders and got the book "That Summer" by Sarah Dessen. One of the books based off How to Deal starring Mandy Moore.

I know I'm in the middle of two, but I don't feel entertained by "April & Oliver". And I'm liking "Something Borrowed". "That Summer" should be a good book. I really like the movie and the writing and I never read a Sarah Dessen book before. And it's kind of short so I'd get through it quickly. I think it's 198 pages. I can handle that.

I'd be reading the two books, but it's fine. I like "Something Borrowed" and I'll like "That Summer". I just didn't feel entertained by "April & Oliver". I'm taking the bookmark out of it soon.

Currently listening: The soundtrack to Wicked

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 88

Three more days until my last blog post. Then no more blogging.

Well, no trying to remember every night to make a post. I'll blog or whatever in other things, but this was too much trouble. I'd only remember at night and sometimes I would forget to make a post.

I admitted earlier today that I don't want to learn to fly a kite because I'm worried it will bring me with. I never saw Up, but that must have been thousands of balloons. I just don't want the winds to be strong enough for a kite to pick me up.

Kite flying seems fun only if the person stays on the ground. It's too risky.

Currently listening: the soundtrack to West Side Story

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 87

Today was rainy all day. But not stormy or anything. Just wet.

It was really sunny when I left the house. I love rain. There are three things I like about it that refer to the senses and one thing I don't that refers to another sense which is really another.

Sight: I love the sight of rain. The patterns in the puddles and the rain raining on metal things are really cool. Even after the rain. I took a picture of a wet deck candle after rain and it adds a lot of effect and accents the objects in the picture. Someday I want to take a picture of the waves in the curbs of the edges of streets where the water leads itself to the sewer, but I don't want to stand in the rain with a camera.

Smell: The smell of rain, whether before, during, or after really is the smell of spring. With the smell of rain, you know that flowers will be blooming and trees will be turning green.

Sound: The sound of rain, not the sound of thunder, but the sound of rain tapping on the skylights are nice. I don;t know why, but I love hearing the rain.

There's one thing that I hate about the rain that refers to another of the senses, but really is another one.

Taste: I do not want to try to taste the rain because I hate being in it without an umbrella. I love the sight, sound, and smell, but not that taste. And the taste of rain is really the feel. If I get caught in the rain without an umbrella, I hate that. Sure I'm looking at it, smelling it, and hearing it, but it's wetting my hair and even my clothes. I take showers all the time, but that's different. It's like taking a shower when you don't want one at the time and you're in clothes, too. Obviously I am not one to dance in the rain or sing in it while twirling on a light post.

Currently listening: the soundtrack to the movie version of Chicago

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 86

My birthday was a major suckfest. Like I hoped it would be.

I've never really been into my birthday. Sure I get gifts and I graciously accept them. But I don't like parties. Only when they're centered around me. I can got a party to support someone else and that's not a problem. If a party is or ends up being centered around me, that just pisses me off.

I got an unwanted surprise cake, lit with candles, and a feeling of regret for not telling them no candles. I can't be demanding, but I have no problem being stubborn and snippy. I really should have told them except think it was going to be no problem. And it just teaches me to not go to the art gallery for an opening in June. Even if I'm exhibiting in it.

Today was not too bad though. I tried a cherry flavored icee from Burger King, but I did not like it. I wanted to throw it a la Glee, but I can't waste a half of cup of smoothie. And I was on the bus.

I actually want to do that someday. I want to take a picture of me throwing a smoothie spoofing Glee, but I can't be wasteful. I will eventually take a photo of my hand in the L-shape and put it in front of a photoshopped background with helvetica fonts of the letters "G-E-E".

Watching The Voice tonight, some of the talents I was rooting for got eliminated and I thought they could have gone far. But it'll be fine. There's other ones I like, too.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 85

I know that I forgot to blog last night. But I was miserably sick.

I threw up a few times per one throwing up session, which happened twice. Kind of three times. I had no appetite, I was tired and falling asleep all day, and I watched a movie, I kept bobbing my head out of tiredness and seeing it through fluttering eyelids.

But I was fine today. I woke up at 4:30 this morning, but that was because I really couldn't sleep. I wasn't too bad until noon and then I was feeling normal again. My temperature was OK, not too high, not too low, and I even had appetites.

Yesterday, my first temperature was around 95 and later that day it was 103. But I was OK, I've been fine for most of today, and I feel up for doing things again.

By the way, my birthday was on June 10th. Last Friday. Big mistake. I'll explain in tomorrow's post.

Currently listening: "I'm Kissing You" -Des-ree

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 83

Today was OK.

It was kind of a slow afternoon, but I went to see my grandfather to visit him. Then I went to Benihana for dinner with family members.

It's a really cool place. The chef's cook right at your table and do tricks with the food. It's like dinner theater. It's not a place that anyone can go to for whatever. There are three levels of restaurants.

1. Work Lunch Breaks 2. Just dinner 3. Fancy and Classy.

Work lunch break restaurants are very quick and casual. Where you order then you get your food right there and eat it. You don't have to wait much. Examples: Potbelly, Subway, Jimmy John's

Just dinner restaurants are after work. You go and order the food. Wait for fifteen minutes or so, and then take your time to eat. Examples: TGI Fridays, Applebees, Boston Market

Fancy and Classy are only special occasion restaurants. They're ever so expensive and sometimes they're only based in one city. Examples: (In Chicago) Charlie Trotters, The Signature Room, Benihana

Benihana fits into the third level. And it's national, but the other two I know are only in Chicago.

By the way, I'm going to reveal my birthday next week. It's not after Monday so either it could be on Sunday, have been today, or passed earlier this week.

Currently listening: sample a Aimee Mann CD on iTunes

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 82

Today was alright.

I was excited to get my haircut and I wasn't sweating much because my bangs kept getting sticky and gross, but now I'll cool off better. Only I can't really sing "Hair" and whip my head around for a while.

Then I saw Midnight in Paris this afternoon. Funny, witty, original, and clever. Those are my four words to describe Woody Allen's new film starring Owen Wilson and Rachel McAdams.

I also got Just Go With It after not having seen it before, but it's no problem. I've gotten movies to own on DVD without having seen them prior in general. Whether in theaters or renting it on DVD. I hope I like it. I still have the movies that I saw for the first time when I got them on DVD.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 81

I finally finished "Eat Pray Love"! And you know what that means. It hasn't been my birthday yet. My birthday will for sure be before the 20th. Today is the 9th, so that's within 11 more days until my birthday.

I'm usually not into it much, so that's why I'm not saying it just yet.

Now I need to think of deadlines for "Something Borrowed" and "April & Oliver". I'll try to be finished with both of them before 2011 is over, but probably much earlier. Say I give both of them September and I don't make it, that's fine. As long as it's still 2011. I started "April & Oliver" last fall, but "Something Borrowed" this spring. I started reading it a week before it was released in theaters.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 80

Today was still too hot. And there was so much stuff to do at the art gallery and problems were ever worse because the computer and internet kept acting up. Our database never goes crazy, but it kept screwing up a few times today.

And I'm helping to hang a show tomorrow and that means hot weather, air conditioned art gallery, and hanging so many pieces everywhere. It's not going to be easy and I'm dreading it. I like the shows after I hang them, but I don't like the hanging of the shows.

I also treated myself to some sort of Mountain Dew drink. Normally I don't like Mountain Dew, but this was a citrus flavor and I really like citrus flavors. I still have to try it though. Not sure if it actually tastes like Mountain Dew though.

Currently listening: "LoveGame" -Lady Gaga

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 79

Today was so damn hot. After saying goodbye to my uncle, I went outside with cookies I "made" and it sucked outside. It was over 90 degrees. I'm OK with less that 65, but when it's this hot, I'm worried I'll pass out. I get ever so crabby in this weather that I kept swearing like a sailor.

I also went to Borders today. I got A Lot Like Love after I had them order it online for me. I'm not sure if I said this or not. But I know I posted my "Top Ten in General".

It's uniquely written and witty. While it's really funny, it has its touching and moving moments that are really sweet and thoughtful. That's makes it a good dramedy.

Currently listening: "We Belong" -Pat Benatar. I just got into this song recently.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 78

My uncle came over today and the funny thing is that I had forgot about it. I think he
s traveling through twice this week, but he's not sure if he's going to do Thursday.

He lives in Singapore with his wife and kids, but they own a house in Florida. I've been to his place in Florida, but I don't think I ever want to vacation there again. The weather isn't right for me.

Also this evening, I went on a bike ride with him. Can you believe it? I actually rode a bike. I am not a bike rider. But I didn't ride i since a Fourth of July parade in 2010 and I didn't even ride the whole parade. I rode promoting the art gallery and my ass was hurting so a friend rode my bike instead. He did some riding more than I did and was having more fun.

I don't think I'd ever ride my bike in a while from now though. It's not easy.

Currently listening: "Little Too Much" -Natasha Bedingfield

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 77

I've been trying to figure out a place to go for my birthday dinner. And I was confident to choose a place that I've never been to before. And since I went to Applebees and Red Lobster in Duluth, those were out.

And I chose Benihana. Kind of hypocritical because I've been there once before. I always told myself that I wanted to go and when my birthday came around last year I chose TGI Fridays. That was my 2nd TGI Fridays birthday dinner in a row. Both times they didn't even sing "Happy Birthday" because I never tell restaurants.

I was going to search Check, Please but I never got around to it. I still have time to choose a place though, but I'll be fine with Benihana even though I wanted to go to a place that I've never been.

By the way, my birthday is not today. It's before the 20th, though. I remember one or two of the clues, but now I'm on the year of when I was born.

I said in the first clue that I was born between 1980 and 1989. This time I'll narrow it down to this: January 1st, 1985 to December 31st, 1989. So I can't be older than 26.

Clue #1: Born between 1980 and 1989
Clue #2: Born between 1985 and 1989

Currently listening: "Listen to Your Heart" -Roxtette

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 76

Tonight, I invited my brother and sister-in-law and my niece over for dinner to give them their souvenirs from Duluth. I got my brother a shot glass with a lighthouse that says Lake Superior on it - my brother collects fancy shot glasses - and a plaque for their front door that says "A spoiled rotten Aussie lives here". My sister-in-law loves Aussie Shepherds - they have two - and they got a us a plaque from their Tennessee trip that was a Lhasa Apso instead.

Then we got my niece a funny pen and a book with baby animals in it.

I shared pictures of my trip, told them the stories about some photos, and had a good time.

The beginning part of the day was 95 degrees outside, but a minor storm came in and then it got sunny and cooled down to roughly 70.

Currently listening: "Rhythm of Love" -Plain White T's

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 75

I just put my clean clothes away.

I get so frustrated when I do laundry. I like the feeling of having clean clothes and then knowing I have better things to wear before they have to be wash again when I'm wearing something not my favorite.

But it's the case of my shirts. I have so many that I have no hangers left. Some of my shirts match a hanger that it goes to and I don't want to put another shirt on that special hanger. When I finish putting my clothes away, I have to put some shirts off to the side because all the hangers are gone.

Fortunately, there's a garage sale happening in my subdivision in a few weeks. (A few days after my last Spring post. I won't do summer.) I picked out shirts that I don't wear often and haven't worn in a while, but they're still good. One man's trash is another man's treasure apparently. I went through some shirts and I'll go through other things, too. I just know that I'm going to have more hangers for other shirts, but I also think that might not happen.

The shirts that I put off to the side are still on their respective hangers. Basically I'd be giving the hanger away, too. Unless I don't get rid of the hangers at the garage sale. I'll have to figure that out.

Currently listening: "Little Too Much" -Natasha Bedingfield

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 74

I must apologize. I know I've skipped days, but not two in a row. I measured and it's still at day 71. Just 18 more days until June 20th.

Also, I have another clue about my birthday. I already gave 4 or 5 about the date, but this time I'll start with a clue for the year. That way my age will be revealed. Although, I hope no one guesses it because I don't tell my age.

I was born in the '80s. That why I love '80s music. I was born between January 1st, 1980 and December 31st, 1989. I was not born in 1979 or 1990.

Currently listening: Little Too Much" -Natasha Bedingfield

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 71

I'm back in Chicago.

It's funny because my trip was ever so long. I saw my cousin one last time until she maybe comes to Chicago. She was at one of the greenhouses in that are in parking lots at shopping centers. I saw her earlier this morning but it feels like yesterday for some reason.

I'm actually glad to be back. Not that I didn't have a good time. I really did like Duluth. But I've known a few other people to enjoy a vacation, but they're still excited to get back home. When I went to New York, I bought an Avril Lavigne CD the day after I arrived and waited the entire week to go home to listen to it. But I still liked New York.

I have pictures up on Facebook (of New York, but that was for a while. This time it was Duluth) and still a suitcase to unpack.

I just have to see my brother and sister-in-law to give them some souvenirs.

Currently listening: "Piano Man" -Billy Joel

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 70

Roughly 31 days until my last post.

Today was alright. I went on a tour of some Lake Superior, and fortunately I was OK on the boat. Normally I get nauseous. After that I went to Red Lobster for lunch. I'm not big on seafood either. But it was my first Red Lobster. I had a chicken dish instead.

By the way, last night I went to my first Applebees. I love TGI Fridays and Chili's is just as good, but Applebees was fun, too. TGI Fridays is better.

I also got back together with my cousins from Friday. We went to dinner, had a good time, agte a lot of pizza, and made brief plans for one last visit for tomorrow before I leave back to Chicago.

I'm going to have to miss my friend's Memorial Day barbecue. This is their third party, and I haven't been to either one. Although, they hosted Oscar parties, and this year was their third. And my second. My first one was their second one.

I also took a lot of pictures this weekend that I'kll post on Facebook. It'll gave been a while since I had an album with the exceotion for my profile picture which upodates the album, but it's just "Profile Pictures". My other vacation album is New York.

So this was a fun weekend, got some souveniers, and exctied to get back to Chicago.

Currently watching: Income Property on HGTV. (Sometimes I watch HGTV, but at my grandfather's. I don't have cable. I just kind of watched it this weekend, but mainly using a laptop while it was on in the hotel room. I think this is the only set of three consecutive posts where my "Currently watching" was all the same thing. HGTV, but the shows were different though.)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 69

I saw my cousin today. Actually, she's my mom's first cousin. She has this great lake house on the side of Lake Superior. She has great views, several bedrooms, family spaces; it was great. Then she took us to a visitor district in Grand Marais. She lives in Grand Marais, which is roughly two hours from Duluth.

There were many sea food restaurants and fishing harbors and she took us to many antique shops and other gift shops.

Tomorrow is what I'm dreading. I'm going to have to blog especially about that tomorrow night.

I'm also going to try to blog on Monday night when I get back to Chicago.

Currently watching: House Hunters International on HGTV. (Although, in the shower I was singing "Price Tag" by Jessie J. then "You Oughta Know" by Alanis Morissette, and now I have "Roling in the Deep" by Adele stuck in my head.)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 68

I meant to blog last night, but just like just recently, I intentionnally didn't blog. I got to Duluth so late in the evening and it wasn't really too late to blog, but too tired or something. Although I got to the hotel at 10:30 and got situated with it.

So far my trip is going OK. I saw some of my cousins today and took a tour through a very old house that kept a secret.

It was a tour of a house from, I think, the 1800's or mid-1900's. Don't remember. But after the tour, I heard that there might have been a murder in the house. There were some sets of stairs that were blocked off, but one set that wasn't, but the tour wasn't directed up there.

I read an article with my cousins and they said that there was a murder on the third floor and an article said that a woman, who was the yougest of five kids, killed her mother for an inheitance and killed herself.

I guess they didn't tell us because maybe they want the place to be more welcoming instead of driving people away.

It actaully made me want to play the game Clue. I never played it before. I think as the game goes, you figure out WHO killed someone in WHAT room with WHAT weapon. I really want to try it.

After that I spent time going out to eat and spending the evening with my cousins.

So far my trip is going OK and I head back to Chicago on Memorial Day, which is Monday.

Currently watching: House Hunters International on HGTV

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 66

Stormy night. The thunder was thundering and the lightning was flashing and I was watching the season finale of ABC night. Every time lightning flashed, the TV kind of paused for a second and then continued. I had lit candles just in case the power went out, but it didn't.

Speaking of ABC night, now I'm through for the summer with the exception of The Voice. I don;t like reruns, but I'll watch them if they're on, but normally in the middle of a TV season, I would check to see if a show was new on the internet and it if was a rerun, then I didn't plan on watching it.

The Voice is the only new show I'm watching for now until next season's shows.

Also, tomorrow I'm leaving for a weekend Memorial Day trip and I'll still get a chance to blog. But I'll be explaining what my trip is like.

If I knew that state I'm going in, I'd say, but I will say that I'm going to Deluth. Not sure exactly where that is, but I think it's in Minnesota. So tomorrow night, I'll blog from there.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 65

Funny story. I know that I forgot to blog again last night, but that time I deliberately didn't post.

It was 12 so I knew I can still have gotten away with looking like I posted at ten, but I was ever so tired, I could have passed out. Not go unconscious, but I was tired I decided to fall onto my bed. I don't know why I was so tired, but I was.

The other times were too late, but I knew I still could have last night, though.

Currently listening: "21 Things I Want in a Lover" -Alanis Morisstte (one of my favorite singers)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 63

Hot and stormy day.

I went to a benefit fashion show today and that was alright. But then went to my7 grandpa's and it was so hot. The family kept complaining about the heat and imminent storm. People were fanning themselves, drinking very tall glasses of water with ice, and sweat was gathering on their foreheads.

I got home and watched some of The Simpsons on DVD, season 13 in which I bought recently, and the storm was coming and thundering and raining and lightning. My dog was pacing the room, panting heavily, and digging in the floors.

Storms are said to be for a while, or at least rain, so now I'm dreading having to go to the art gallery in wet weather.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 62

I forgot to blog again yesterday. I'm sorry.

That is why I find it difficult to remember to blog everyday. I don't mind the blogging if I maybe post something at least every few days.

In 2009, I was taking a photo everyday and even that was hard. I would forget. And if it was after 12 midnight, I would change the date on my camera and then change it back. There was even a few days when a switch was broken on my camera and then got it fixed, but I couldn't use it for a few days. I remember that after it was fixed, I changed the date on the camera to the day I missed and then did the few that came after that.

I did see that my cousin posted something on Facebook that has you take or find a picture everyday for 30 days. I meant to do that for April, but I'll wait until June. My birthday is even in June.

Oh, and by the way, I have a fifth clue, but I won't say it yet. I have to find the other four so I can say my fifth clue and I'll do that one tomorrow.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 60

I got the first season of Glee today. I'm so excited. I keep up on Glee.

I saw the pilot episode because it was aired in spring 2009, but never saw the rest of the season because I took night classes. And that was for the semester. And I started watching ABC night in mid-season and Glee was on FOX.

This time I got the 1st season on DVD and I'm really excited for it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 59

One day until I'm 2/3 done with this. I decided that I won't do summer and I won't do fall again.

If I blog again in the future, maybe I'll g back to the one I created last summer for my photography which only has four posts in it. I don't remember to make my post until its after 9, sometimes I don't know what to make that post about, and I probably shouldn't create a blog called "X Days of *something*". It's catchy, but not worth it.

However, if I were to create a cookbook, I'd want to call it "365 Days of Cooking". But I don't like cooking or baking. I cook, but just for whatever. I don't want a profession in it or any restaurant jobs. And baking I really don't like.

Currently listening: "Good Life" -OneRepublic

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 58

I counted 33 days. Starting with tomorrow's date, 5/18, and ending on June 20th. So today is 58. 58 + 33 = 91.

It will be 91! On June 20th's post, I'm expecting it to be Day 91. For example, say I forget to post tomorrow, I'll make Thursday's day to be 60. The days will remain the same even I miss one. I already missed two, but it's still the same.

I am determined to make June 20th be Day 91.

Currently listening: "Little Too Much" -Natasha Bedingfield

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 57

Something tells me that I won't end with 85-95. There's roughly 30 days in a month and three months would be 90. I started March 21st, skipped only two days, but kept the number of days the same, and it seems like another 30 days or so.

If there's 365 days in a regular year (regular meaning non-leap - 366), that means there should be 90 days in a season. 90 x 4 = 360 + 5 = 365. I'll have to count ahead on a calender to check for sure. I'll figure out how many days it's been on June 20th. I'll answer tomorrow.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 56

I watched Easy A earlier tonight. I consider it the best teen comedy since Mean Girls.

In a similar case with Black Swan, it's loosely based on the same kind of other media it often features. Easy A is based on "The Scarlet Letter", and deals with issues like adultery and some religious references. Black Swan most definitely features Swan Lake and has a similar storyline about the white swan turning into the black swan and killing herself.

I like both movies, they are well-written, well-acted, and very creative. Natalie Portman's Oscar win was worthy and the writing in Easy A was funny and witty. Both screenplays are considered original even though they're loosely based on other medias.

Currently listening: "Straight Up" -Paula Abdul

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 55

Last night I mentioned the first time I head "She's Always a Woman" by Billy Joel.

It was four in the morning and I woke up. And the song was on the radio. All of a sudden it was playing over my dream, and in my dream was a dating montage of me and Academy Award nominee Elisabeth Shue. I'm not exactly sure why.

Not like I have anything against her. She's OK. I just wondered why it was her. That's all.

I also watched Friends With Money this evening. It was alright.

Currently listening: "Little Too Much" -Natasha Bedingfield (Something Borrowed was cute. But witty cute. Hop was adorable. I know I said that a few times already, even on Facebook. But I want to specify the difference between the cuteness. And song song was feature in the movie, too.)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 54

I didn't forget to blog last night. I thing Blogspot was down for a few hours therefore making me unable to post. But I didn't forget.

So now I have to skip Day 53, and make this Day 54. I hope to end with 85-95 posts by June 20th. Hence "Roughly 90...".

I saw Magnolia today. Someone lent it to me. And I'm glad I started watching it when I did. I began watching it around 9:45 this morning. I rewound a few parts throughout and paused for a few minutes, and it was almost 1:00. It was so long. It was OK, too.

This isn't one of those movies where I loved it from the start. A rare case was American Beauty. It had a good storyline and good characters with unique and heartbreaking stories. I just didn't get the scene with the frogs right away, but then found out on IMDb. But it was interesting to see how characters were connected through each other. I guess that Paul Thomas Anderson for you.

It was OK, but not something I would see again anytime soon. My brother lent it to me and I lent him American Beauty. They're not exactly the same, but they do have metaphorical storylines. And that's what I love about American Beauty.

Currently listening: "She's Always a Woman to Me" -Billy Joel. There's a funny story about this song. I'm not sure if I told it or not, but I'll tell it again anyways, tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 52

Three books.

1. Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
I was determined to finish reading this before seeing the movie last August. It's set up in three cities, 36 stories each. The first in Italy, then in India, then Indonesia. I started the first two Indonesia stories before seeing the movie the weekend it came out. Then I was determined to finish it by the time 2010 ended. And I missed that chance. But now, I'm determined to finish by next birthday. Which unintentionally brings me to the forth clue. When I finish Eat Pray Love, my birthday will happen.

2. April & Oliver by Tess Callahan
I got this book because I had a coupon for Eat Pray Love when I got it at Borders. And I didn't want to start it until I was done with Eat Pray Love, but started the first chapter for no reason. My deadline for this one will be, let's say sometime in late June. After the first day of summer.

3. Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin
I wasn't in too much of a rush to finish this before the movie because I got it a week and a half before the release date. This one will be as soon as I can.

I'm not a slow reader, but more of a procrastinating reader.

Currently listening: the Wicked soundtrack

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 51

Earlier today I got No Strings Attached on DVD. Today is the day it was released on DVD as well. I got Modern Family on DVD the day it came out, too.

I also saw Something Borrowed today. It was really cute. But not like Hop. Hop was adorable. But Something Borrowed was witty cute. I'm still reading the book and was not in too much of a rush before seeing the movie, but I'll finish soon.

I'm in the middle of three books already. I'll explain them in another post.

Oh, and by the way. I'm going to give clue #3 about when my birthday is. I mentioned what the other two are, but I didn't refer to them as "clue # X". Clue #1 was that it's in June. Clue #2 is that it's not on Fathers Day. Here's clue #3: It's on an even number date.

1. In June.
2. Not on Fathers Day this year (actually, it'll never be on Fathers Day)
3. The date is an even number.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 50

Today was Godmothers Day. Actually it was just a regular Monday, but with my Godmother, Nancy. She's nice. I like her a lot.

We went to dinner and had to wait a half hour for a our food after ordering it and it came at the same time as our appetizers.

My dessert was the best. I love Key Lime Pie. I don't get it much, but I know I can get it frozen from the grocery store. Probably at a good price.

It's official. I didn't mix up the gifts. I knew that since Borders wrapped them for me, but now it's even more official. After my Godmother got the pie book, she now has to invite us over. However, the pies are for chilly days, but nights in summer can be cold. In Chicago, at least.

Speaking of summer, I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to blog through roughly 90 days of summer. It gets pretty hard. I don't remember to blog until night, but late at night. Actually not too late at night. When I mean night, I mean around 8 or 9, but I always end up posting after 10. Even after 12, because for some reason, blogspot thinks my posts are about two hours posted behind. Right now it says the draft autosaved at 11:21 PM, and it will probably think it was pasted at 9:21 PM. I'll check and then edit to see how accurate I am.

It is kind of an advantage. I can post after 12 and it will say I posted a little after ten.

Currently listening: "Price Tag" -Jessie J feat. B.O.B.

EDIT: I checked and blogspot thinks it was posted at 9:15. And I actually like that mistake. If I forget after 12, it'll bump my post back two hours.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 49

Happy Mothers Day!

I took my mom out to breakfast. We had to wait, like, 25 minutes, but the food was really good. My dad came with and then laughed at something funny while sipping. And I had a skillet. It was really good and I had at least 4-5 bites left and I wasn't even done. And he laughing spitting his water all over my food and I wasn't even done. It was really good. But we left and that was that.

Oh, and I didn't switch the gifts. My mom got the Italian cooking and a pin that I got her. Which reminds me, I still need to get that photo.

So tomorrow on Godmothers Day, I'm going to give my Godmother the pie cookbook. And a card. And there's a restaurant called Mothers Day that I've never been to. My mom has and didn't like it, but maybe my Godmother will be willing to go. It'll be up to her, but she likes a Bohemian restaurant near my house and Thai food. I don't care for either one, but she already knows that. Although, she doesn't eat pasta or bread, so we can't go to my favorite Italian restaurant. Although, I think Mothers Day is a brunch-y place a la Dennys. The other restaurant, Egg-stacy, which is what is called, is also a brunch-y place as well. I had been there before, but on a regular no-name day.

Again, Happy Mothers Day. I'll also blog on my birthday as well as Fathers Day. Fathers Day is the day before my last blog post for Spring. Summer will have to be decided for.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 48

Excited about tomorrow.

I'm going to take my mom to brunch and then family is going to come over. I'm not looking forward to the food though. Mu uncle is going to make Chicken Terriyaki, which I don't care for. And then there will be veggie hit dogs and veggie hamburgers. While I am a vegetarian, I don't care for vegetarian meat.

OK, I won't go into now, but I'm not 100% vegetarian.

But anyways, I think moms are cool. They know every little thing about everyone in their family.

And I just checked my calender, Father's Day is the day before my last blog post. My birthday is still imminent, but it'll be before June 21st.

Tomorrow, I'm going to stylize my blog post. Like I did for Easter. Maybe a red or pink color with a more fancy font.

Currently watching: Saturday Night Live, host Tina Fey

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 47

1. The artist who does the elaborate work is named Deborah. She is the most flashy woman I've ever met. Always sporting big jewelry, funky outfits, she looks like a gypsy. One of the many things she does are broaches. I bought one of hers for my mom. I'll upload the picture when I get a chance. And that's after I actually take the picture. Bit Deborah is the best artist in our art gallery. I went to her house for a Fourth of July party last summer and I can see where she gets ideas for her art. She's a collector of many old-timey knick knacks. She's really fancy.

2. I was recently trying to jokingly think of movie titles with a gender reference in them and alternate the gender. And I thought of The Godfather. Called it The Godmother. And it gave me an idea for an unwritten pitch. After a woman has a baby, her two friends vie for the chance to be Godmother. That simple. I thought it wouldn't work out because if it was Mother's Day themed, I'd have to write an entire feature-film in two days. Nothing is really stopping me, but if I keep writing after Sunday, it doesn't feel festive anymore. And I know I could write it into a short film, but every time I do that, I always end up making it feature-length.

Currently listening: the Rent soundtrack

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 46

I got my Mother's Day cards. I found a fancy one in Borders for my mom, but at Walgreens this afternoon, I had so much trouble finding religious ones. I found only two in general and they were different. I picked one out that was more sentimental.

I also got my mom a second Mother's Day gift. She's going to get the Italian cookbook (I made sure of it), but yesterday at the art gallery, I found a pin that one of our artist's made. I'll explain her in tomorrow's post.

But this pin was two wine glasses (little tiny fake ones that she made. Not made from crystal or glass) attached to a little picture of a bundle of purple grapes. My mom loves bundles of purple grapes, but red ones eat. I think I'll take a picture of it and post it tomorrow.

I'm saving tomorrow's post for two topics. The first one will be the artist that made the pin. And the second is a Mother's Day themed pitch for a movie I jokingly thought of.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 45

I got my two Mother's Day gifts. One if for a Godmother. At Borders, I found an Italian cooking cookbook for my mom and a pie baking book for my Godmother. Unfortunately, they were the same size after they were done being wrapped, I'm still confident to gift the right gift.

Although, it wouldn't be the end of the world if the gifts got switched, but it still wouldn't be right. I'm sure that my Italian heritage mother who does not like baking would like a pie cookbook and my baking Godmother probably won't like an Italian cooking book because she's not Italian. As a matter of fact, she's Irish.

Come Mother's Day, I know that the gifts won't be mixed up. Looking through the wrapping paper under very bright light, I read the words "regions of Italy". And I knew the pie book was smaller by comparison, but after wrapped at Borders, they were nearly the same size.

Next Monday, I'll try to remember to post that I got the gifts right.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 44

Nothing much to say. Went to the art gallery this afternoon for a meeting while working in my regular routine.

Some days of the week, I go to AM/PM for a fountain drink and sometimes chips, then two buses to the art gallery, with a fifteen minutes of Burger King in between buses, then to Caribou Coffee before going to a local clothing store to see what they have new, and then the art gallery.

Only this time wasn't in the morning. It's usually around noon for that routine.

I am into routines. I like schedules and planning, and occasionally I'll be spontaneous. If it involves an extra errand that takes an hour or two, I don't like that. But if I was walking down the street and stopped into a coffee shop, then that few minutes is OK for small spontaneity.

Currently listening: the soundtrack to Rent. Watching The Voice tonight made me want to listen to the Rent soundtrack for some reason. And I mean the 2005 film version.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 43

I've been trying to sing along with music from The Sound of Music. I know the music a lot. I've always known the songs. But not the movie. I saw it for the first time last summer.

But I can't yodel. Every time I sing the "Lonely Goatherd", I always purposely mumble over the yodeling parts. Which shows that I can't anything with my tongue. I can't turn the ends up to look like a hot dog bug, I can't pronounce certain words (I always put an "n" in Pretzel, sounding it like "prenzel"), I can't get my tongue pierced; I can't do anything with it except turn it sideways. It's probably because I always bite my tongue whenever I talk. I've bitten it so much, I'm lucky to not have bitten a piece off of it.

Great, now I'm tightly closing my lips to make sure I didn't jinx anything. I always do that. If someone talks about getting work done on their body, I always make sure that the same thing doesn't happen to me. If I see a video of someone getting hit in the crotch, I always close my legs unsure of why it hurts so much, for a man at least.

It's not like I'm insecure or secure. I just don't want anything to fall off my body.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 42

Here are some Top Ten Lists I created. Something tells me that I mentioned about posting them in another post. And I said I'd do it later. I'll show you now.

1. Chicago - my #1 favorite movie. (see "Currently listening")
2. 2012 - I didn't want to see this based on when I first saw the trailer and I
ended up loving it when I saw it. I was on the edge of my seat - literally.
3. A Lot Like Love - a very good dramedy. It's meant to be a comedy, but ti has touching moments.
4. Juno - This is the first movie where people really knew who Ellen Page was as opposed to X-Men or Hard Candy
5. Little Miss Sunshine - Witty and dramatic. Unique storyline and clever characters.
6. Love Actually - Liam Neeson's and Emma Thompson's best performances.
7. Sleepless in Seattle - The perfect romantic comedy
8. The Devil Wears Prada - Meryl Streep. What else?
9. Julie & Julia - Like two movies put into one. Two stories about two married women who take up cooking while adjusting to new lifestyles. Also, it's Meryl Streep in her one of her funniest performances as Julia Child
10. Easy A - The best teen comedy since Mean Girls.

Fun Facts:
While Little Miss Sunshine and Juno have Best Picture nominations from the Oscars, Chicago is the only one that won.
While Diablo Cody said she was inspired from her own pregnant friend to write Juno, Julie & Julia is the only biographical film.
Sleepless in Seattle is the only '90s released film.

1. American Beauty - I saw this movie once and fell in love with it. Rarely does that happen because I normally see movies more than once to see if I really love them. American Beauty just had it.
2. Easy A - Partially based on The Scarlet Letter, it's still original in some sense.
3. Little Miss Sunshine - Funny storylines and characters.
4. Juno - Ellen Page's best performance
5. Love Actually - The plot is intertwining which adds a uniqueness to it.
6. The 40-Year-Old Virgin - Hilarious. All the way through. Catherine Keener makes this slapstick comedy to be a romantic comedy.
7. Sleepless in Seattle - The best romantic comedy ever.
8. Moonstruck - Witty script with emotional scenes.
9. S1M0NE - No movie can I think of was about a man digitally creating an actress with major Hollywood buzz other than S1M0NE
10. Shakespeare in Love - Still historical fiction, but Gwyneth Paltrow's character goes to great lengths to be in a play where her gender is not welcome.

Fun fact:
This list was created intentionally for American Beauty because I saw it after making my Top Ten list because I didn't want to bump anything down.


1. Mary Poppins - Julie Andrews created My Fair Lady's Eliza Doolittle on te stage before she wasn't wanted in the film version which got her this role in one of her movie debuts. The Best Actress win shows her confidence and determination after her My Fair Lady rejection.
2. The Blind Side - Sandra Bullock's best performance. Right under this is Miss Congeniality.
3. Coal Miner's Daughter - Sissy Spacek really captures the life of Loretta Lynn who picked Spacek herself to play her in this movie.
4. Walk the Line - Also in a country singer performance, this is Reese Witherspoon's best performance as June Carter
5. Moonstruck - Cher is funny in this, but it does have it's touching moments.
6. Erin Brockovich - Julia Robert's character really shows the trouble and disgrace that Erin Brockovich had to deal with.
7. Million Dollar Baby - My favorite Hilary Swank performance. Playing a female boxer that proves that no one will bring her down.
8. The Reader - Kate Winslet, through prosthetics, really shows aging from a young woman to 70-years-old and deals with the most dramatic love story out of her other performances.
9. Shakespeare in Love - Like I said before, Gwyneth Paltrow goes great lengths to play a character where her gender is not accepted.
10. As Good as it Gets - Helen Hunt plays a single mother who won't even let Jack Nicholson get her way.

I don't have a Top Ten Best Actor winning performances because I haven't seen enough films. Although, Kevin Spacey for American Beauty would be at the top.

Currently listening: the Chicago soundtrack. I love this movie ever so much. Nothing tops it, but something might eventually. As of now, nothing. I can't think of another movie that I love more than this. In my first top ten list, American Beauty would place between 4-6. I don't want to add it because Easy A was so good that it made it in but placed at number 10.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 41

Slow day.

Saturdays. Nothing is really good about Saturdays except Saturday Night Live in which tonight was a rerun. And Sundays I don't like either.

I even got around to watching three movies today. I watched The Wedding Planner on DVD, then I started Couples Retreat, but didn't finish it because then I wanted to watch Confessions of a Shopaholic in which I didn't even finish that one either. But I'll restart them when I get a chance.

It's not often, but it still happens when I start a movie and then decide to watch another one so then I have movies that I stop in the beginning of and then restarting them over next time.

I did also manage squeeze in some episodes of Friends.

Currently listening: the Wicked soundtrack

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 40

Today was better than yesterday. A little boring, but at least I wasn't pissed off today.

Or maybe I was. When I clean the house, I really get to it. I clean very efficiently, quickly, and adequately. I don't mess around when it comes to cleaning.

I felt like passing out afterward because I was so hot from all the walking and bending and stretching. I am not good at that. I am no contortionist.

Which is why I can't do yoga. I'm not going to bring my ankle to my ear or twist my arm the other way. I think I explained about my fear of disoriented body parts. I shudder every time I even talk about it. I am not flexible in any way. Sure, I can bend up and down, but not too extravagantly. It's said that yoga can prevent injuries from happening, but I already stretched an Achilles tendon in my ankle and I couldn't walk for a month. You'd think I'd do yoga after that? I didn't think so either.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 39

I am so mad right now I don't think I'll be able to get to sleep tonight.

My monitor (on my regular computer. I'm using a different one now) has been acting up. It doesn't turn on all the way and boy, is it pissing me off. All I know is that I need a knew one. And when I'm pissed off, I am PIssed Off. Everyday, I am easily driven crazy or losing my patience over the littlest things. I swear every single day, and it's OK because I was swearing when I was three-years-old.

Sometimes, not in this cast though, talking about easily being driven crazy drives me crazy. I am often moody for no reason in the afternoon. I just don't feel like smiling or I can't laugh at what I know is funny, and I can't even enjoy the music i'm listening to on my iPod. Once i was trying to watched some Bewitched shows and after a fierce discussion with my dog and the furniture, I couldn't even laugh at what I knew was funny.

In my moody time, I'm often talking defensively when people don't deserve it. My word for that is Stubborn + Snippy = Stuppy. It can also be snubborn or stippy, but it it doesn't sound clever when it's snibby. I get moody and defensive all the time and even though I really don't like it, I can't help it.

Here's another thing. This often revolves around my dog, Duffy. It's said that "ask and you shall receive". If he asks for trouble, then he'll get it. When people give me trouble, I give it right back. When Duffy sometimes tries apologizing, I don't forgive him. He'll run his body against my legs and ask to be on my lap, but I don't forgive people or him. I just don't. If people disrespect me, then there will be trouble.

One more try with my monitor, and then I'll need a new one.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 38

I got Vicky Cristna Bareclona on DVD today. I also got the book Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin. Both from Borders.

I want to see the movie. It looks cute. I like Kate Hudson and John Krasinski and the plot looks unique with romantic twists. I started the first chapter on the bus today. I'll try to commit to that as well as Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert before my next birthday, which is later in Spring. And April & Oliver by Tess Callahan. I got that book the same day I got Eat Pray Love. I really like books and I want to read more fiction, but I'm a procrastinating reader. Not a slow reader.

If me and someone were starting a chapter at the same time, I'd probably finish around the same time as them. But if I finish a chapter, it'll take me a while before I continue reading again. It's said that I'm really not that interested in reading the books, but I am. I just never get around to them. But I will finish my three books this summer.

Currently listening: "Price Tag" -Jessie J feat. B.O.B.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 37

I checked out The Voice, the new NBC show tonight. Although, Glee was an a hour and a half this time and it overlapped with The Voice. Fortunately, I can catch that and Raising Hope on IMDb or Hulu or something when the full episodes are available. I knew I had to sacrifice it though.

It was really good. I'm not a professionally trained singer, but I know I can sing because I self-taught myself some of it and some dance, too. Although, I took couples dancing for a community activity once. I like singing, but I don't want to sing in public. I like how I sound through my own ears even though people hear me differently. That's weird how our ears do that, but it's just the way it is. I think people wouldn't like my voice if I sing for them.

But th show was fun. The contestants had very good voices and emotional histories and very good talent. I know a good singer when I hear it. My father is a singer, but he has opera training. Although, I won't say how I feel about his voice.

Currently listening: the Stripped album by Christina Aguilera. Watching her as one of the judges made me want to listen to the CD.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 36

I watched Romeo & Juliet this evening. And I mean the one with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. Not West Side Story. That was a few nights ago. Saturday night.

I decided to watch it for my adaptation, but it's getting hard. If for example, someone is a servant to the Montegue family, I slightly changed their name and made them a friend of my Romeo counterpart. Another for example, Paris is supposed to be a suitor for Juliet that her parents want for her, but she wants Romeo. So she asks Friar Lawrence for that potion which will make her look dead. In my adaptation, I was having Juliet (Julia) get ready for coming out as a debutante and Paris (Philip) is supposed to be her escort, but she wants to get out of it. Philip is a college student, Ryan and Julia are high school students, and Philip is also a former student of Mr. Lawrence, an English teacher, help Juliet get out of the debutante ball.

I'm going to have to make it a loose adaptation with Ryan and Julia meeting at a Halloween party hosted by her parents, lapse a few months to the spring right before the Prom (equivalent of the wedding), and then have them break up at the end (instead of killing each other)

Romeo - Ryan
Juliet - Julia
Mercutio - Robert
Tybalt - Peter, Julia's brother

Since I don't want any of the characters to die, I'm going to have Peter get into a fight with Robert who then gets kicked out of school. Then Ryan beats up Peter causing him hospitalization, and then having to break up with Julia after their parents catch each other.

There's a lot more detail to it and I'll explain in later posts.

Currently listening: the West Side Story soundtrack (even West Side Story is the same as Romeo & Juliet)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 35

Happy Easter Bunny Day!

I tried to make the text style look festive for the holiday. Really it's Easter, but I kind of started a quip earlier today.

A friend on Facebook said "Happy Easter, everybunny." I thought it was cute. So I changed it and wrote on his wall, "Happy Easter Bunny to you, too". Obviously, the day is meant for the resurrection of Jesus and not an Easter bunny, but I thought it would sound cute.

Easter is in the middle of my favorite holiday and my least favorite. I love Christmas and I hate Thanksgiving, but I don't mind Easter. Other holidays like Halloween, St. Patrick's Day, Valentines Day; eh. I really love Fourth of July.

I think the only holiday I'll have left in my blog is Father's Day. Which reminds me, sometimes my dad's birthday will be on Easter, sometimes my mother's will be on Columbus Day, my brother was born on St. Anne's Day (I don't know what it's really for, though), but Father's Day will never be on my birthday. Although, my sister-in-law's birthday is always the day before Halloween, but it's not the same. But whatever.

I hope people had a good Easter Bunny Day.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 34

I watched West Side Story. It's a very good movie. It's retelling of Romeo & Juliet which makes me want to start an adaptation I've pitched for a while. The only production I've seen of Romeo & Juliet was not just West Side Story, but also the film version with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. That's more modern but the language is still the same.

And now as I'm trying to start with my own untitled version, I have a copy of the the script, but I was going to make it a modern day high school version. I'll explain more about that in later posts. It's just hard to start now because of various servants, but I'll finish hopefully.

And yes, I will post on Easter. Have a good Easter.

Currently listening: the West Side Story soundtrack

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 33

I saw White Oleander today. It was so sad and heartbreaking. The performances were great, but it was very emotional.

I meant to do laundry today. But instead, I worked with my old, creeky desk chair and am now sitting at my desk in a way I'm not used to because the chair has clamps on it holding the sides together.

I didn't do much for Earth Day, but I still try to keep the earth healthy.

I also made some Easter plans for Sunday. I guess I'm hosting. I'll have to remember to post that day, too.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 32

Busy art gallery day.

There was a potluck that night to prepare for and classes to enter.

But it calmed down when I came home to NBC night.

This morning was weird. Around 6 this morning, I was half awake, but I was still dreaming. The song "She's Always a Woman to me" by Billy Joel started playing on the radio. And at the same time during my dream, there was a dating montage of me and Elisabeth Shue. I wondered why. I don't have anything against Elisabeth Shue. I don't mind her. Saw a few of her movies. I just wondered why her.

I really came to like the song. That and "Piano Man". I love them both. I don't mind Billy Joel, but I love "Vienna", and now two more of his songs.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 31

Busy day. Art gallery stuff and then going to Penzey's on a cold, windy day and sitting on the bus for ten minutes in the afternoon rush hour traffic.

But I came home and watched some ABC night. I also got the second season of How I Met Your Mother on DVD. I had the first season since shortly after Christmas. As of right now, I'm fine. Not moody today, so that's good.

This post will end short, but I'm sure I'll have longer posts.

And if anyone else is reading, I said that my birthday will later be in Spring. It's not my birthday yet. It'll still come.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 30

I got a haircut today. I love getting my haircut. This time, it wasn't so much as a haircut as it was a clean up. The back of my hair grows long and it sticks out so I'm always smoothing down the back of my hair.

I also told her about my weird hair day. The day when my hair didn't move. She got kick out of it.

I also had a meeting today, too. And then a new episode of Glee, and some dinner. It was very wet. It didn't rain throughout the day, but it was misty at times and wet on the streets.

Oh, I almost forgot. I saw Hop today. I actually liked it. It was a cute movie. I like James Marsden, but I'm glad I saw it. Not too desperate to see it again, but whatever. Overall, it was a cute movie.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 29

Today was alright.

This morning, I got into "Piano Man" by Billy Joel. I heard it on the radio and got it on iTunes. I heard it a few times before, but today I got really interested in it.

I'm also excited for tomorrow. I get a haircut. I love getting haircuts. My hairdresser is going to get a kick out of my weird hair day story. That is, if I tell her about it.

Currently listening: "Price Tag" -Jessie J (got into that one, too, but for a while)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 28

Today was so boring. I don't like Sundays. For a few minutes, I slumped on the couch and just sat there. I did decide to do a little bit of reading and then later watched some Friends episodes.

Last summer, I was reading Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and was dedicated to finish before seeing the movie with the same name starring Julia Roberts. I got to one of the first Bali stories in the book before seeing the movie. So I didn't finish. Then I decided to be done with the book before 2011 started. I read more stories after that. I think I left at the 80th story out of 106. This was last fall.

Well, guess what. Here it is, spring 2011, and I started from where I left off. It's not that I'm a slow reader. I procrastinate. Eventually, by birthday will be in the spring. It's before June 20th. I really want to be finished before then. Sometimes when I walk to the bus, I decide to not get into my music on my iPod or anything, but I'm always into it. I've had bus rides where I didn't listen to my music, but I didn't read the book. And the weird thing is that I carry it with me wherever I go.

I'm going to take initiative to finish it before my birthday.

Currently listening: the West Side Story soundtrack

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 27

Tonight was my informal dinner. Paninis, Potato Wedges, and Key Lime stuff. The dessert was a key lime smoothie and a store-bought key lime pie.

But when we got to a board game, that was a little not fun. I keep thinking that I'm always the butt of every joke and it's not fun. It's like I just shouldn't talk to people or anything.

People do tease me but it gets overwhelming. I can't stand it.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 26

I had a pretty good day. Actually, it rained all day, but whatever.

I got to clean the house today. I'm all for a clean house. And then watched American Beauty on DVD.

I love that movie. It's remarkable what with all the acting, storylines, and metaphors. I can go on and on.

I hope this weekend is better with the weather. Which reminds me, I have to get some bread and lunch meat to make some paninis for dinner on Saturday with a few people.

Currently listening: Christmas music, sung by Kristen Chenoweth

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 25

I got You Again on DVD today. I never saw it before, but I wanted to. It's one of several DVDs that I got without ever having seen the movie prior, whether in theaters or rented on DVD.

I like Kristen Bell and think she's kind of cute and I want to see more performances of hers. I even got Couples Retreat on DVD without ever having seen it before and liked it.

Well, I'm about to watch it now. So good evening.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 24

So busy today.

There was so much art gallery stuff to do. The executive director was writing a grant and there were a lot of pieces to determine for a show we're currently running.

And it was pretty hot. For me, April is denim jacket weather and I wore mine, and then wish I hadn't, but it did cool down in the afternoon. Then I was glad I wore it. It looks really good, but really doesn't go with anything. Once I wore it and I was walking somewhere when I realized that I was matching it with blue/black jeans. So embarrassing. I was out of the house so I couldn't change and had to spend a few hours with a denim jacket that didn't match my pants. I'll never make that mistake again.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 23

I forgot to blog yesterday. My first forgetful blog post.

I started watching Good Will Hunting last night but didn't finish it. However, it's really good so far.

I procrastinate all the time. I know that if I forget to post after it's 12 midnight, then it's no problem, because the post thinks I posted it two hours earlier. A little after 12 is a little after 10.

Therefor having to skip from Day 21 to day 23. I expect the last post, on June 20th, to be from Day 85 to 95. That's why it's Roughly" 90 days of spring. Yesterday was Day 22.

I know that it's going to be hard, but I'll finish successfully, I hope.

Currently listening: some more Britney Spears music

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 21

Today was so hot. Like really hot.

I made the mistake of wearing all black and it's said that one is not supposed to wear black in the heat. I changed, but I was still sweaty.

The winds picked up which cooled outside, but in the house it was so hot. I started running a ceiling fan and opened a window. I'm fine right now, but I was miserable.

Currently listening: "Everytime" -Britney Spears

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 20

Today I spent most of the afternoon editing and uploading a video. I'm not new to Youtube, but a few months ago I uploaded my first video. I had an account for a few years for commenting and stuff. Today I uploaded my second one.

Then I went to dinner at my Godmother's. My godmother is a friend of my mom's and I went to her house for dinner. She served beef, a very good cake, but I only managed one slice, but I was getting a reaction.

I am very allergic to cats. The skin around my eyes turns red and dry and my nose is all stuffed up. It feels weird to blink because my eyes are all dried out. I look so ugly, my face will crack a mirror. Sometimes on really windy days, my eyes dry out which make it feel weird to blink.

Although I'm fine now, but I was rubbing my eyes all night.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 19

I just finished watching My Left Foot.

I think I might have fallen asleep through it. Even though I really didn't mean to. I can tell because I saw what was happening through my squinted eye lids and then before I knew it, the end credits were rolling.

I'll watch it again some other time, but I hate falling asleep if it's not in my bed or something. Normally, I don't fall asleep in the middle of the day, but I started watching it around 9 I think.

Based on what I saw, I liked it. It was very dramatic and very dark - obviously. The last scene I remember was when Christy was about to marry Fiona Shaw's character and was causing a nuisance in a restaurant.

I'll have to watch it again sometime.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 18

I made soup today.

It was really good. It was Italian-style, but what made it Mexican style was tortilla bits. I also added bits of chicken, and hat made it good.

But my recipe wanted me to add Vegetable oil a few times so there was oil build-up on top, but it didn't change the taste.

I'm not that good at making soup in general unless I pour it into a bowl and heat it up. If I make it with ingredients I already have, then it's a little bit more difficult.

Currently watching: Father of the Bride, the supposed remake.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 17

I tried to not be moody today.

For some reason, I had that late afternoon "I don't feel like smiling" kind of feeling. But I was trying to keep myself nonchalant and in a regular mood.

I started laughing in the evening as I watched ABC night, but it took a while until I was feeling OK again. I just kept telling myself to "be nonchalant".

The other thing that I told someone today was one of the biggest secrets of my life that's never been revealed until today. And then there's another really big secret that I never ever reveal and never will.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 16

Late dinners and bad art.

It was fine until tonight. I got home from the gallery and decided to roast a chicken. A whole chicken. It took sooooo long for some reason. I got it in the oven around 7:00 and it wasn't ready until 9:30. Some nights I go without dinner or sometimes I'll eat a snack or cereal around dinnertime therefore considering it dinner. I know next time to slow cook it or start earlier in the evening.

As I was cooking, I was also painting and I'm not fully proud of a "Romeo & Juliette" painting I did, but I'm still going to go with it. And I did another colored pencil and pastel piece that I came to not like. I did a ghost painting, the "Romeo & Juliette" one, and what really isn't a painting, but an abstract piece of any color that I was testing. It very gradually became a work of art and I know I meant to exhibit it someday, so I guess I chose now. There's a show at the art gallery for anyone who took a class there within the past year. And I took watercolor last fall.

My chicken turned out fine and I'm fine with my "Romeo & Juliette" painting.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 15

I found dog poop today.

There was a spot in the laundry room (the laundry room connects the family room and the garage) and it was right in a rug. And because it was on the rug, it was hard to pick up. All did was got a poopy bag from the leash and picked it up and threw it away. Good thing I didn't step in it. That would have been terrible.

I've known other people to have stepped in doggy poop before. And I've certainly accidentally stepped in other kinds of crap. One time, not watching where I as going, I was walking down the street and I accidentally stepped on one of those little putting cups. But the worse part was when it was sealed up so I made it burst right on the sidewalk. One can tell it was burst because it looked like one of those comic book explosion symbols.

Tomorrow, I'll explain a dream I had about a public garden and cake.

Currently listening: The Wicked soundtrack (I want to see a production of it so much.)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 14

I watched a few movies today. Sundays are very slow so I was a little bored through most of it. But this evening, evening I started John Tucker Must Die on DVD, but then realized I've been watching to watch Mean Girls for a while, so I watched that instead. When I saw Easy A last fall, I thought it was the best teen comedy since Mean Girls Both that and John Tucker Must Die are really funny.

Now I'm just posting on my blog and maybe I'll watch a little bit of The Simpsons tonight on DVD.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 13

Tonight for dinner, I went to a fabulous Greek restaurant with a friend.

Today was all right I guess, but dinner was kind of fun. I went to an authentic Greek restaurant and boy was it hard to choose. I ended up having some Feta cheese as an appetizer that was sitting in olive oil, sprinkled with oregano, and with olives on the side (didn't eat the olives). My friend ordered gyros as his appetizer and I asked if I could try some. I ended up liking it, but then she decided to tell me it was made of lamb. (What do you think I did next?)

OK, after downing a glass of water, I had some chicken for my dinner. I forgot what it was called in the menu, but it was really good. It was cooked with wine, lemons, red papers, potatoes, and even though it was really boney, I loved it, but I couldn't finish it. It was hard to eat, but also filling.

I even ended up staying for some Tirimisu. This was one of those restaurants that bring a dessert tray with prototypes of the desserts to see if you're interested. Tirimisu was the best I can think of because I don't like cake or flan. Although, flan is Mexican, but whatever.

I am so recommending this place to others.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 12

Slow day.

Today in the afternoon, I watched my first episode of Gilligan's Island on TV. It was alright, I guess.

I also can't wait until tomorrow evening. I'm really excited to see Elton John host Saturday Night Live.

Let's see. What else?

I don't care for April Fools Day. I never really liked it. Actually, I guess I like seeing other people fall victim for pranks. But I can't try a prank on my own. People would see right through it. I would never get away with it.

I also have to think of some pieces for an art gallery. I have a chance to submit to the one I intern for. All I need to do is go through photos or make a painting. I'll see what I come across.

Currently watching: The Simpsons on DVD

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 11

So today was interesting.

I was OK when it came to my mood and not as, you know, moody as I was yesterday, but I did get frustrated.

I nonchalantly went into Sears for some new ear buds for my iPod. That was the second time I was there, the first time being to get rechargeable batteries. It's not like I have anything against Sears, rather than I don't mind them at all.

I was offered to sign up for the rewards program to get points and save money or whatever, but the snippy desk clerk somehow got me to sign up and I didn't have the courage to be snippy and demand that all I want to do is get the ear buds without signing up for the rewards program. So therefore I was stuck. I thought I can wait for an e-mail and then "Unsubscribe" from it, but I remembered that I didn't give my e-mail. And I couldn't work through the website, though I'm about to try again after this.

I don't have anything against Sears. I just don't mind them. And it shouldn't be fair that a customer shouldn't have a choice to be on a rewards program. If they don't want to, then that's up to them.

I have my new ear buds, but now I'm stuck as a rewards member until I figure out how to get out of it.

The rest of the day was just busy with the art gallery.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 10

Moody day.

Today I was all right. But for reason, since 6:00 this evening, I was very moody. I didn't feel like smiling or laughing, lost an appetite for a grilled cheese sandwich, kept talking in a defensive mood, and I couldn't even enjoy TV or anything. Even when I knew it was funny.

This happens to me sometimes. When I feel so moody, I can't laugh at what I know is funny, or enjoy something I really love. I feel like the people in those commercials for when they're depressed and have suicidal thought. Except for the suicidal thoughts. I lose interest in things that I like, I can't even smile if I try to, then I know it's fake, and I don't socialize, and if I do, the tone of my voice gets very defensive when I don't even mean to be mad.

Here's the bright side. While I had an OK day until the evening started, my hair was getting back to normal. It is flippy still, but at least in moves. Before I know it, I'll get my regular, straight hair back with the cowlick on the side of my forehead.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 9

Very strange day.

I ate a few things that I won't ever eat again, I did something with my hair that I'll never do again, and did a little shopping, too.

Eating: It started out with a cheeseburger from AM/PM that didn't really taste well and something I'm not going to eat again. And then later in a Potbelly, I ordered a Roast Beef sandwich and had some Italian seasonings on it, but they were dry and tasteless. Like dried oregano and other herbs.

Hair: In this order, I added in Gel, Hairspray, Blow dry, then combed. All with dry hair to begin with. To fix the first mistake, I decided to add hairspray, but then I added so much, my hair wouldn't even move. I tried and tilted my head and it was stuck. Then when I went out, I picked out some hairspray on one side of my head and when I looked in a store window, the wind was blowing, and one side of my hair was moving. So I did the other side. I got to a point where my hair was back to normal, but it feels very pasty and light. Light in weight. Now I know not to do that again.

But I also got a few puzzle books, a birthday gift and card, and American Beauty on DVD. I saw that movie just once and fell in love with it.

Busy, strange, and weird day. And that includes my hair, eating habits, and a meeting.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 8

This is the housework post. I didn't do any today, but I'm still good at it.

I sweep, and clean, and wash, and brush, but not too perfectly. I didn't know that in some cases, you actually have to get on your hands and knees. That just looks painful. I'm all for a clean house, but I don't like to do the cleaning. I'd rather just do the living.

I'm the type to freak out from a bug and then trap it under a coffee mug. Nothing wrong with that. If they're on a wall or something, I'll just crush them and clean the bug guts off the wall.

It's not like I sweep the floor and then sweep it under a rug. I just throw it away.

Don't get me started on yardwork. No way would I do that. Kneeling down in the dirt and getting all gross and filthy? Really? It's like planting, but instead of putting in flowers, you're pulling out weeds. And shoveling just aches my back. Whenever I shovel, I'm stuck in a hunched position and when I try to straighten up, it hurts, so I try to get back into the one I was just used to and that hurts.

Raking is just the same kind of discomfort. Not physically, but when I raked a whole patio, a huge patio, I rake into little piles. But then the piles begin to separate from the wind. And after putting them back together, they just blow away again. I usually get fed up when I've done each pile three times.

I don't mind cleaning if I'm standing up, but I can't kneel down too much or be able to reach high places.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 7

I saw Morning Glory tonight. I wanted to see it theaters, but never go around to it. It was kind of funny, kind of sad, you know, those kinds of movies. American Beauty is vary dark and dramatic, but it has it's funny moments.

I'm also thinking of writing an adaptation to Romeo & Juliette. So far I wrote a modernized Cinderella and an adaptation to Clement C. Moore's The Night Before Christmas. Now I'm ready to adapt Shakespeare. But I would make it modernized. None of the fancy language that he used in his days, like the words sound out of order in one sentence. A modern day version. I've had one pitched for a while, but never started writing it.

I'll tell you more about it in another post.

Currently listening: "Sweet Serendipity" -Lee DeWyze

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 6

I saw Dirty Dancing today. While it's my first Patrick Swayze film, I wish I had seen more of his movies before he died.

I'm not gay, but Swayze was quite handsome in Dirty Dancing. And Jennifer Grey was obviously unrecognizable from her Friends guest appearance.

It was really good and I loved the ending when everyone starts dancing and having fun. It was worth a good watch.

Currently listening: "The World Should Revolve Around Me" -some group named Little Jackie

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 5

Today I actually cleaned the house.

I'm all for cleaning the house, but what I'm surprised by is that sometimes I have to kneel down onto the floor and clean on my hands and knees. I thought it's just as simple as standing up.

And I couldn't even get the paper towel streaks from some mirrors. I went over them three times and they still have streaks on them.

It all got better when I made some Macaroni and Cheese for dinner. You know, the real kind. From the box.

And some Fried Chicken from earlier in the day. I love fried chicken.

I'm just glad that I don't have to clean tomorrow. On another post, I'll talk more about housework.

First I dedicated a daily post about Fashion, then I'm going to do one about housework.

Ooh, I just got an idea. If I mention something in a post, but I only brief it up, I'll dedicated a whole other post sometime in the future for it. And I'll announce it. Like this: "Next topic: (name of topic)". I'll put that at the bottom where I put my "Currently watching/listening" stuff.

Currently watching: Some Youtube videos.
Next topic: Housework

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 4

What should I make this post about?

I watched NBC Thursday tonight. And then some reruns of The King of Queens.

Oh, tonight for dinner, I thought I was making Chili. I don't know what I did wrong, but I thought I was making some Chili con Carne. I ended up making regular pasta sauce. I didn't add Chili powder or Cumin, but I did add ground beef, tomato puree, onions, and some other seasonings like pepper and oregano.

I don't really like cooking. I own a few cookbooks, but I just cook for whatever. I can't stand baking because the messes are messier and sometimes I don't enjoy whatever I bake because I don't like the processes of it. I don't mind cooking, but I hate baking.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 3

Today's blog is all about fashion. And one of the great things about Spring - new trends.

As a straight male, I still pay attention to see what's being worn around the streets and whether it works for them or not. I saw some pictures of Saturday Night Live Jason Sudeikis in GQ once and he was sporting plaid all over. Naturally, I took it as thanks to me. I brought plaid back. While Justin Timberlake brought sexy back, I brought the plaid back.

I took a quiz recently about what my fashion style is. Out of just casual, kind of sporty, rock-style, or boho, I got boho because apparently I like mixing and matching with neutral colors. I wear neutral colors, but I also add other colors. And I try to look more casual most of the time.

However, I always wear shirts with collars because I fear that a shirt without a collar on it will make my neck look long. So everything is OK if I have collars.

The things I hate about fashion, some summerwear. Polo shirts and shorts? Good match. Shorts paired with sandals? Really?! Sandals are better won with pants and shorts are better worn with socks and shoes. Socks and sandals? Eh. I wear sandals in summer as long as I have some pants on. I never wear shorts. My legs are not that great looking.

And jackets. I am all for jackets. These days I've been wearing a varsity-style jacket, felt chests but leather sleeves. It's not a varsity jacket, it's a varsity-style jacket because it's not meant for a school. And when April comes, that's denim jacket weather. And in May, that's when "no jacket" weather starts for me. Though, I still wearing a denim jacket in summer nights, though.

The varsity-style jacket comes back in September or October, depending on when it actually gets cold again.

So, collars, summerwear, jackets, now accessories.

The only accessory I sport every single day are my black, plastic Tommy Hillfiger glasses. I would throw in a unisex necklace every now and then during Spring through Summer. And maybe a ring. And hats. I usually do baseball caps. It took me forever to find a good newsboy cap because I never really tried to pull one off. I finally got a nice one during the days when I wore my winter corduroy jacket, but haven't worn it for a while because it goes better with my denim jacket. I am into baseball caps, but not for a specific team. Only baseball-style caps.

I think I pretty much covered everything about fashion for this post. More things will come up later when it comes to Fashion.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 2

Today I bought some sunglasses.

I wear glasses myself (black and plastic). I wear a pair that I had for a few years that I got talked to into getting transitions when I wanted prescription sunglasses. While my glasses fade in the sunlight, even cloudy weather, they don't seem to change through my own eyes, but they are dark for people when they look at me instead.

I knew I wanted to buy sunglasses but couldn't figure out how. Easier to see, but more expensive? Or harder to see, but cheap. The pros are easier to see for one pair and cheaper for another. Cons include more expensive for the easier to see ones and harder to see for the cheaper ones.

I ended up getting ones that were cheaper. While they look good on me, I thought I can wear them while walking very slowly or waiting for a bus. Right when I take my regular glasses off, I can't see a thing except blobs of colors. After a few minutes, an image of the scene appears more clearly, but not perfectly. I know I can get used to sunglasses while standing waiting for a bus, or walking my dog through our subdivision that I walked through so many times I can walk with my eyes closed.

While it was so cloudy and rainy, I still got them, but didn't start using them yet. I know that I will eventually.

And I meant to make this post mostly about fashion. I'll do that tomorrow instead.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 1

I'm back.

This makes my fourth blog. The first one was dedicated to author and blogger Julie Powell, but I somehow gave up on that one.

The next is a very short one with examples of my photography, but that one was given up, too.

And then between September and December, I was trying to blog once everyday throughout the fall. I've blogged through Halloween, Thanksgiving, but stopped a week before Christmas. It wasn't that easy because I kept forgetting some days. This time I'm going to try harder and maybe blog in the daytime. I did it every night and then if it was after 12 AM, I decided to wait the next night.

Throughout this blog, I'll explain various stuff about me. Some holidays to blog through will be Easter, Mother's Day, and even Father's Day. Father's day this year in on June 19th, and my last post for Spring will be on June 20th. I'll even have to blog on my birthday this season.

Other stuff will include my traits and characteristics and what I like or don't like to do. Or maybe if I see a movie that day or do something fun, I'll also post that. Basically, I'm going to be blogging about the stuff I do that day or maybe talk about things under certain topics.

I started this in the middle of "Roughly 90 Days of Fall", but I continued to end my posts with whatever I was currently listening to or watching or something. I'm also thinking about listing the famous birthdays those days, but not exactly sure.

Anyways, I guess I'll leave this post as it is and continue tomorrow.

Blogging every day - it won't be easy. I'll forget days and then I'll just have to wait until the next night. I even forgot about this.

Currently watching: Some of the 1st season of Friends on DVD